Following is a list of updates posted to the website.....a change history of sorts. Below the list, you will see information pertaining the website RSS feeds. What are "RSS Feeds" you ask? RSS stands for "Really Simple Syndication". If you click one of the feed buttons below and sign up for their FREE service, whenever new information is posted to the website, you'll get an update message notifying you which will include a summary of what was posted. Personally I use "RSS", which integrates with my Outlook email program. all updates go directly to a special folder in the email program and help keep me informed of important updates. Feel free to look me up if you have any questions. Tom
  • 11/21/10 - Updated site with information regarding recent work on the pond.
  • 11/02/10 - Posted update as well as photos related to the pond cleanup 'party'. Added link to Mountain Mail article of 3/25/10.
  • 06/16/10 - Posted date change for next meeting
  • 05/16/10 - Added last meeting minutes, updated next meeting info & agenda, added treasurer's report information.
  • 05/07/10 - Replaced the "W4447" background information with a more detailed version.
  • 03/24/10 - Corrected a few minor points of information. Added additional links.
  • 03/19/10 - Added new PO Address for board communication - dues submission.
  • 03/17/10 - Posted meeting notes from current meeting. Added an FAQ section.
  • 02/17/10 - Added database of Acres of Ireland property owners to the "Corporation" page under the "Owners" link. Many thanks to William Lusby for sending me the spreadsheet of data that made it a lot easier to get imported.
  • 02/16/10 - Pages reorganzed to better display information. Additional page added dedicated to corporation, officers listing, meeting notes, treasurer's report, etc. Report of meeting held on 02/15 added.
  • 02/11/10 - Additional information posted. Change history page added. RSS feed incorporated. Last meeing attendees with valid email addresses on file notified of website. Added HOA general info to links page.
  • 02/10/10 - Website goes live with basic structure and general information

(if you chosse to sign up for one of the RSS feeds by clicking the buttons below you may have to use Internet Explorer as a few of the buttons do not work properly in alternate browsers such as Google Chrome - Tom)

Acres of Ireland Water Update

AOI Well Owners Web Update 04/14/11

The minutes from the prior meeting of 02/04 have been added to the website for your review and enjoyment!


Acres of Ireland Well Owners LLC 11/30/10

Added additional photos to pond cleanup album. New photos show filled pond. more

Acres of Ireland Water Update - 11/21/10

Updated website with information regarding recent work on the pond and posted a copy of the letter mailed to all owners this past week. more

AOI Well Owners LLC update 11/2/10

In addition to earlier updates posted today, this one adds a link to the Mountain Mail article pertaining to this water issue. more

Acres of Ireland Well Owners LLC Update

Added update letter under the 'W7774' Tab. Uploaded photos from the Pond cleanup 'party'. There are 2 new menu tabs under the "W4447" tab; "Current Status" and "THE Pond" which is the one containing the photos. more

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TEKnicalservices, Howard, CO. - contact - last updated 02/14/11