The purpose of this website is to keep the well owners, property owners, home owners and residents of the Acres of Ireland subdivision of Howard Colorado informed of important issues regarding water use.
In particular discussion now is the issue regarding Water Board case W4447. For details regarding this very important issue, please click on the dedicated link (W4447) above.
I am in the process of setting up our new web site which will offer our community substantially more functionality. As I migrate the information over to the new site, both sites will be available. Once fully migrated over, this site will be discontinued. All new information and updates are being posted only to the new web site.You can visit the new site by clicking this link:AIWO New Web SiteNEXT MEETING.....
If you have any questions or concerns, please feel free to post a message to any of the board members.
Minutes of the last meeting (02/04/11) can be found by clicking either the "Corporation" or "W4447" tabs above and then the "Meetings" tab on the left .